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    2024-4-24 08:15
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    发表于 2017-6-21 18:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Zippo Instructional: Pipe Lighters
    2 l' E3 u9 ?1 N& l0 k4 M* j
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    7 U8 A7 I- b1 ~9 Z' PThe Zippo Pipe Lighter insert is made to the same high quality standards as a windproof lighter with a slightly different design. This design allows the flame to be drawn directly into the pipe without bending over the side. This video will show you the Zippo Pipe Lighter in action., X$ N+ a3 G0 L" H. V% T

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    % E* M8 W" Q0 @/ k, u  f0 {" `1 b6 `: S8 N3 {4 C
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