楼主: 我爱祖国

[摄影] 辉耀!满天星天津之火!(天津聚会相片精选--爱国摄)

 火... [复制链接]


发表于 2011-10-5 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
    There was no choice, you know.That's better.There was so much room in my head.I pulled the pillow back over my eyes.Like I could just not worry, that easy.my mother teased me about it.the air was unseasonably cold  there must be a storm on the way.Of course she's already crushing on the Cullens, I heard the first thought continue.fake ray bans sunglasses!What.when they got bored with my lack of response, they'd turned on each other.But I had bigger problems than whatever suspicions about me she might be keeping locked inside her head.My path was set.I was listening so hard that the sudden burst of Paul's donkey laugh made me jump half off the bed.You'll overwhelm her.    How to destroy them.Page 175       Rosalie would never embarrass Esme by displaying such a lack of hospitality.I couldn't hope for her to be oblivious to something so obvious.I stared at the scene in front of me.Tell me everything.Im listening, I said stiffly.a woman of immense presence whose huge body was both beautiful and mesmerizing as it moved in smooth undulations.Its more important now than ever that Charlie stays safely in the dark.she asked, her voice rising with chagrin.Calm down, Edward.No problem, Mom.Would she leave so soon.Usually.I was afraid to admit I was awake and face his anger.He knew young vampires only too well.How did you do that.imprinted.Fine, you win this one,MAC blush, Emmett said grudgingly.    Jacob's hands were clenched into fists, as if he'd like to hit something.Their names were Maria, Nettie, and Lucy.mature for you.The dance increased in tempo.Mom,  Calm down.It's not a trick.We stepped through the door, and I glanced around me in surprise, relaxing automatically.Great.Why.It was a voucher for plane tickets, for both me and Edward.Oh.I asked quietly.Pity because, as beautiful as they were, they were outsiders, clearly not accepted.Oh, hey, Bella.His voice was calm.The young female suddenly threw her head back like an animal and wailed shrilly.Sam is trying to get him to phase back to his human form.I sighed contentedly.Then why weren't any of you in school.Kaure edged nervously around the corner with a covered dish in her hands.    he demanded.I wanted to laugh at her words, though I, too, felt no real amusement.They wheeled  they were so graceful.She'll be safe with me,mac eyeshadow wholesale, I promise, sir.Edward was right, of course.I took another breath and relaxed.Decent body.But he didnt seem to shy away from it as much as he once had.I guess I didn't really ask.13.Lauren asked.Page 116       At first their anger was undefined, and I thought I was in for it.Are you tired of having to save me all the time.Jasper stared at Edward,MAC eyeliner, who looked up to meet his gaze.I yelled, slightly more breathless as I shoved everything into the bag.I teased, kissing her spiky hair.He winked behind Charlie's back.Carlisle interjected.No.That's exactly what I'm going to do.2 G. ]3 h* L# i# g3 q0 C9 I0 |
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发表于 2011-10-6 08:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-6 11:40 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报


发表于 2011-10-8 00:06 | 显示全部楼层
史上最强最全的****楼主的暴强回复!!!!1.论坛楼主:我和女朋友的照片,朋友轻砸~ 4 D+ v. m1 ?6 I$ L
7 a: F( o$ f4 c4 A        
; P2 M4 d7 Q0 S2.论坛楼主:我新买了一处庄园,有多大说出来吓死你――我开车绕一圈足足用了两个半小时!!!
  Z$ s, l) c7 Q  论坛沙发:嗯,http://www.mmnci.kpbike.cn,以前我也有这么一辆破车~      G1 A0 ^, D1 Y0 y* B
" [* r( p0 g& \% t: u3.论坛楼主:你们女人大夏天的戴胸罩不热吗?
- @& M8 }! E: P5 i& ~1 n  论坛回复:我们不带你们会热…… 9 F: ^9 u: y  i4 |, u
/ l" i( ]1 H) B& K9 U: B2 N* ?4.论坛楼主:和女友****时,女友好像喊了另一个男人的名字…… ( g* I( k; g, p! F% k6 C
  论坛沙发:你日了别人的女人你还有什么不满意的!!! , P. b: f$ u$ b2 R
         B) d! w1 M5 y2 d6 d3 G- Z) X
8 T# q2 ~$ n: D5.论坛楼主:为什么胡主席访问日本,日本方面比较冷淡,甚至机场连欢迎标语都没挂?
$ U' z. V7 l+ E% d  论坛沙发:怎么挂?热烈欢迎中国老朋友来日?  
& S1 q! Y% q. c5 X1 B       2 ?& r4 Z$ P, `
" h+ M& |  w5 Y. M  论坛回复31:我妈生你的时候是不是把人扔了,把胎盘养大了? 0 \" w" d8 F8 V# ]& M
    ! K8 X& N% ]! O2 U+ t
7.论坛楼主:老爸送我老公一根鹿鞭,大家说这是啥意思?还有照片的说~ / U  H1 a- Z9 U' O+ v/ _
  论坛沙发:这是老一辈对青年一代的鞭策啊~~~ / c* ~: I2 ]5 S) K% w9 @! J" H% Q# _% i% \
, G. J1 y3 t8 V6 ]) C       0 @3 j6 x3 i* I/ v: L) N$ \
       : O' x+ s4 ~# X7 S: D* O
8.论坛楼主:《神雕侠侣》里小龙女胳膊上的守宫砂是什么东西,干什么用的? 2 t- r5 H# c( y
  论坛回复:守宫砂是****的桌面快捷方式。 . a* u. a( j' R# Y  z2 j; r7 G6 {
- j' Y2 S" H# N; {7 ]1 _        
, [2 L; G' Z7 l- }: ~8 `# M9.论坛楼主:新闻说某人被蟒蛇吞了,请问在野外真的遇到蟒蛇怎么办? : K1 F+ g& Q( W% @2 H/ e4 i
8 M" U/ E! z- x0 h4 o1 s2 i* [/ N  论坛回复12:捅蛇的****还是自己的****? " a' A' G# P; p
) o+ b" m6 E" F) Z  论坛回复47:屁话,荒郊野外的拿什么捅! 0 o0 }9 z0 K* J* e3 R" @
  论坛回复48:许仙知道拿什么捅! ) f- V4 V& r+ l3 U( ?" M
       $ F* [$ I( D/ n0 d" L: `
10.论坛楼主:夏天得刮腋毛,否则穿短袖会影响我淑女形象的。那再弱弱问一句,阴〈!-->毛用刮吗? 7 b% g. b- ~+ ^+ }
4 ~4 t( y5 e; P3 y2 c* r! |2 }      
, n" h- E, y" u3 h, C3 W         
( D  s9 Q- w  O8 g6 K8 Y# j" ]- x11.论坛楼主:帅有个屁用――到头来还不是被卒吃掉!
* @0 J) e! _1 a+ U- Y  论坛回复:帅有士陪,有炮打,有马骑,有车坐,有相暗恋……帅怎么不好?!!
& Q- v' {# g; i       ) w8 a6 [6 Z3 g9 E8 s
8 Q; Y' l) l- l8 W# F12.论坛楼主:为什么生下的孩子要跟父亲一个姓? . z+ j9 M$ E& `8 X4 z0 t
' i5 c2 e$ p7 ^( L. d      8 X# i$ i( x* K& `* Y: k+ y- {# o
13.论坛楼主:美国一位名叫乔治&赫伯特的推销员成功地把一把斧头推销给小布什总统,因此他获得2005年布鲁金斯学会(世界上最权威、最有影响力的推销员组织)的“金靴”奖。假如给你一次机会向胡主席推销东西,你会选择什么? + s/ ^& C. C4 d7 S' t6 f2 `3 I
: c( a% T7 R& R3 P" o       8 @& a# Q7 {+ H) ?
; C! f+ K: B3 v9 q$ w  她喊爽的原因似乎有以下理由:
% N1 p+ \" p& I+ I  1.刚考完试,心情不错;
5 s( _7 e0 t3 ]8 q  2.做完一天功课,我们尽情来欢乐!
( l& r( h$ g6 R/ \. ^7 V  3.由于是下坡,所以冲下去时清风迎面扑来,所以感觉很爽;
9 T: N1 G7 ^6 x4 u2 {' m2 R0 ~  4.MM刚好看见我这个帅哥,一时激动得无法表白,只好大呼其爽;
$ W3 Q4 b2 N  P& J+ s' @8 B* g  5.大家补充……:) ) L& @* _0 E. K' D% B2 ?; i3 E
6 J5 d/ s) v, N        
0 H: a. ?( F! V; K) u( s$ E+ F       2 B# _) r5 O1 u$ ?3 C' F
15.论坛楼主:反腐真的就这么难吗? * L2 Z) f4 R- V/ Z" [  k
! ^5 ]" y, ?$ b    
: P$ A; [5 f; U7 ]+ g, p16.论坛楼主:美军在伊拉克不能抽身说明美国是个负责任的国家!!!
3 U  k6 n( X) `0 A$ }7 Q" k/ f, b  论坛沙发:那我股票被套牢说明我是个负责任的中国股民???
% q, e. z* Y' f5 N       , C' r1 n7 e4 G! g. Z- G3 w" T- b
- j+ v) n0 T; W; r/ |  论坛沙发:上级单位来检查之前一般都会事先通知下级单位的~
. N: U3 z4 Y, @. Q/ ^8 b6 X$ w        
1 |1 o2 M# \: t2 r18.论坛楼主:据香港翡翠台报道,今晨阿娇在其母亲陪同下到圣约翰女子医院做过检查,医院诊断报告证明其****膜未见器质性损伤,不信大家可以浏览翡翠台网站(PS裸照的人可耻!)――我永远的阿娇。 . @4 ?3 [8 c' \" ~
, a7 P# \4 G  |; N: S. \9 K    : z4 a* {! `* F, l) E" v
19.论坛楼主:你小时候曾幻想长大以后什么样的场景会让你在众人面前出尽了风头? 8 v4 g/ R4 `6 y9 R4 @0 Z
论坛板凳:挑一担粪上街,看谁不顺眼就迎面给他泼一瓢! 1 t; A- G0 p" j  Z
       * O+ f4 G$ W- l: t
20.论坛楼主:我得了健忘症怎么办? 1 }6 H; v6 S! \6 j# V  A5 g
2 J6 h4 |, L8 F. ^. y       5 [6 ^5 [; o# o( q! W2 B9 W
21.论坛楼主:刚才不小心摔了一跤,结果JJ插进水泥地里拔不出来了,大家说我该怎么办啊? 9 Z; k" }- n9 f7 P0 g; V& T# B9 g; p
  论坛回复:老婆,快来看那,野生的JJ还能长出个人儿来!~(作者:gjqqkk) " B; o3 ]7 ?  p4 }
1 i6 ]2 W( @( N9 o: y    3 s8 ]. v; e3 g# e/ n
- \; H! E2 y/ Y  论坛地下室:半夜三更,月黑风高,静静地、轻轻地,一个人吊死在理发店门口……
, ?7 Z7 \  Q6 r, V, U8 q0 [       & ~$ b: S# q+ d/ u8 J$ ^6 r
2 C/ ]+ h+ p0 g/ L  u( d" {23.论坛楼主:****的实在是太多了,讨厌死了! 3 V, Q+ O& Q' O! O
  论坛沙发:LZ,Don't zhuangbility,zhuangbility leads to leipility!(注释:莫****,****被雷劈!) : J, W( `; n8 K8 r  B8 O) e
7 d8 K( T* Y3 x' i! q4 t24.论坛楼主:老娘我简直太有钱了,我该给保姆买辆什么车呢?
  f: L. H+ b( G- o% V+ Z% x. k  论坛回复:那就要看她跟你老公发展到什么关系了~(作者:elecon)
% i2 M0 Q: h9 `, Q7 V% S5 q# @6 h      
* l% m* i( b+ W% F8 {25.论坛楼主:他今天山盟海誓说我是他生命中的一部分,我是他身体中的一部分,如果没了我,他就活不下去啦~ ( f6 G, O0 r6 X; M
) p6 }9 k$ N. m, W" v, i      
# o% T/ e1 m- M5 [    
; K$ N, U7 H4 Q! f* v: c26.论坛楼主(日本人):金庸阁下武侠小说里的点穴是否构想于我国的推拿按摩? & w  ?1 g' N5 t+ |4 m: M
  论坛沙发:非也,鄙国的穴是用来点的,贵国的穴是用来日的。 / P" b: o# D/ k1 l' h- m3 D
$ z+ N8 r) h7 c$ Q7 y27.论坛楼主:假如我有一亿人民币,我就可以贷款在汤臣一品买房子了!
$ P" R* e6 ?# L( T2 m2 R/ @  论坛回复:嗯,不过你还要先借钱交物业费~ 8 W" A9 Z! V- S7 A& H7 m' M
5 C+ T! R0 |+ g, k& k  
/ e( d; k) t1 O  n/ @+ o28.论坛楼主:股市的达人们啊,请告诉我北京奥运会开幕前一天满仓能否把钱赚暴了?
; l$ m+ @' n: B1 u- |+ j  论坛沙发:不能,因为8月是以往中国股市最最危险的月份之一,其他最最危险的月份分别是3月、7月、1月、9月、10月、11月、5月、6月、12月、4月和2月。 5 a/ B* x+ l9 W# ?
      5 A; x* V* k3 j, V: D
29.论坛楼主:我月薪六位数,每月开销也在五位数以上,霍霍,爷我算不算有钱人? % g9 M5 h4 g7 Y0 _- R9 s5 u
% Y3 k; Z$ Z! _$ A      + r1 L. A/ D& m0 ?. t
$ D/ o* f! J4 ~9 o8 `0 R; [  论坛回复:CCTV天气预报至少要报三分钟,而贵国只有一句――全国阴天或全国有雨,这样的一个民族也敢与中国一战? ) T( J2 o2 K* |' O! b
, L/ S( ]8 {5 s  F    0 F: _- i3 M4 e* E3 r& S
.论坛楼主:你最讨厌最鄙视的国家是哪个? ! t$ w6 u$ b9 L0 {
  论坛沙发:日本,****! . ~* z% M# V( G8 ^0 y9 _
9 \5 @& t. z! z( P; o+ ]7 B  论坛沙发:好。 / {+ T7 o& e- G2 A6 Z
+ W2 w/ D* c1 t: Z  论坛沙发:****! # _( w+ M; U" G( g8 U
     ' \+ J2 O0 ^; _+ ^5 u! i
% `! g. K" x) D' l0 a) E2 a32.论坛楼主:大家聊聊双胞胎的事吧,随便什么都行。我爸就是双胞胎,但一个生下来就死了,一个不到四十也去世了。 ; P) R1 ~" S8 m! W
  论坛沙发:****是哪个?    1 a' b/ d/ ?7 k
) R+ |) b9 q$ I5 P- D; r  k33.论坛楼主:女友总说自己胸小,我觉得还可以啊,请论坛GG们帮忙鉴定一下~ % o8 `+ e* y9 X# C5 q0 o9 [8 d. h
& x/ J* l' X9 C( `/ C    # }: Z9 l- r$ w
   . p. u, \$ B# E3 N
34.论坛楼主:小时候妈妈告诉我一个道理:如果你和某个人吵架,不一定是你的错;但如果你跟很多人吵架,那一定是你的原因! : M1 Y% n- F; j2 h* ?
  论坛回复:强盗逻辑!那我妈被很多人L J一定是我妈很Y D的缘故??? 6 j0 u+ q' T+ [+ s
            / G3 y3 _# b6 T; u7 o
35.论坛楼主:大家猜猜我是哪个国家的混血儿^_^ ( T' S6 p- H5 s* T5 x* ~6 E
  论坛回复:中国人+变形金钢! 1 N: X: I* O0 h# k# l
% K1 h: a' v0 O' E$ K36.论坛楼主:求解梦:昨晚我梦见章子怡了,章子怡说她狠喜欢我,可我说我有女朋友了,然后章子怡就哭了。 8 {. W* V% f4 R' {
4 R5 ~! n0 N4 c- y       6 h' C/ E! d& u
37.论坛楼主:哈哈,成功抢注“功夫熊猫”这个ID,大家说以后我用这个名字是不是很拉风啊? 5 \0 m+ L8 X) A2 L
, F7 Q: W- Q* d           9 d1 o  U* }( ]1 a$ n/ s, i
4 s& D8 I; `5 E# v8 f  论坛沙发:****,爷秃之前,他们都叫我狮子!
! Y+ X! y8 u, d; z  Y         ; y7 S; x4 U; j4 w
/ f, S. i* A4 a& W  论坛回复:只有一半像! (二百五??!!)
/ T2 o$ U+ j8 ^$ n    , X, H# p3 _/ {7 l( r
+ m$ A, X" G, k1 |$ g: L& k  论坛回复:丫从良了!
& M5 o8 V0 u& ?  a' j( _6 G       2 B8 e* N5 q9 G/ k
# J! W. v5 P8 T* `, l) a, `  论坛回复:你进去啦?(作者:roby14
; D* m  s8 O8 p% i" l7 N    
3 a7 Y* W' P& b! k3 D5 ?& ~42.论坛楼主:CPI让全国人民更让中央高层睡不着觉。
" T+ y+ a/ q8 E$ j8 h1 r  论坛沙发:骗谁呢!会有睡不着觉的领导???那我倒要看看哪个小姐这么****!!!
( D2 K3 N# g' {7 v) ]- v    
+ F# W, y0 W7 Q  L3 U6 D43.论坛楼主:我们的go-vern-ment最体贴最关心人民了!
9 K' T, e- O6 ~$ q; S  论坛沙发:楼主忘打“币”字了……
) M) n  p$ ]' f) h* v& ?    
/ D7 _2 D3 z7 m: A4 F% _44.论坛楼主:听到一特好听的歌,歌词只记得是“一个芝麻糕,不如一针细”,求歌名啊!
8 ^, A: z7 s* q- Q  N  论坛回复:你可知Macau,不是我真姓……-_-!!(汗~~七子之歌记成这样。)
( \7 S+ A+ L- N2 Z: p45.论坛楼主:交了个女朋友,家里是B社会的,怎么办??! {4 T" m5 R8 P
回复说:靠,你丫不会入party啊!  G. Z( q9 c! ~+ G4 d
46.论坛楼主:跟自称第一次恋爱的女友做〈!-->爱后发现是FC,过段时间女友吞吞吐吐交代高中时恋爱过一次,又过段时间说大学也恋爱过一次,最后说以前不幸被强 J过。
5 l5 F/ K  t1 n. r& G. J! O论坛回复:有没有过Q****不确定,但肯定有过顺****。- d' |8 r) ]  z$ I, @: `
  M& Z5 Y" o5 `, P  z! m论坛回复:像。+ A; Z  N1 Y3 ~7 b4 c8 }
48.论坛楼主:我有一百万,想买一辆车,大家给个建议吧。4 R' K6 M% h: k4 o. t/ a
论坛回复:你可以卖30辆QQ,组个车队开,一会排成S型,一会排成B型。3 g& y& Z5 G( v" p5 w
49. ****楼主:李宇春和芙蓉姐姐同时掉水里,你手里有一块砖,你砸谁?
. h* B) ?7 @" T6 [1 r- m  u( G  暴强回复:谁救砸谁。1 M1 R. Z* r# M' I
  50.、****楼主:养条狗和养一个男人哪个合算? 3 Q9 I# Q/ R: F' u( c
   $ I$ D. l9 ]" q% `6 I* f, `
  暴强回复:大婶,即使你能把男人当狗使,但你敢把狗当男人使不? 7 A1 \: J6 ^: Q: c" e
  $ \. w2 e$ b; ^
  51.、****楼主:男人你要李宇春还是章子怡? ; I5 m" L2 S) z/ x2 x
  暴强回复:一个公鸡,一个野鸡,都不选 / o3 X& y+ j( _" p7 K
/ d( {* A& E6 b, n2 {5 w9 ?  52.、****楼主:准备割****,不想遇见女医生接诊,扭捏半天不好意思说,问大家怎么 办,该怎么说? $ a# \% I7 y# I, T
  暴强回复:告诉丫把高领改翻领的,http://qqwangluoyoupan.lahtxd.cn7 z1 s' q9 `. R7 X. K4 ]
) D9 D7 u) K6 [* W: k) e  53.、****楼主:苦恼啊!我和我女朋友的名字一样Y;怎么办啊?
8 Q% n" S/ E- H5 B2 I# T* R: v2 G& P  暴强回复:我这辈子最恨的就是日 本人了!
4 K$ U# \9 ~% d" a  
& V" ^9 K8 h# Z8 R5 [5 i) R) X  54、****楼主:通过海南矿泉水喝死人事件,可以看到中国的食品安全堪忧,矿泉水也 能喝死人?不是有QS标志吗?
" {5 T5 g2 e7 E. ]; b6 j  暴强回复:弱弱的问一下,QS是不是去死的意思?
' s9 y% j; k5 d) s  + @; F$ c: P% W) h
  55、****楼主:某天。我与几个男同事在办公室聊天。男人聊的都差不多是那种事。问 一问:你们男人都是用下半身说话的吗?
& c, \5 T) d8 V, I) `3 ]8 P. X  暴强回复:你们女人不是用下半身听话的吗?
9 F  e0 M8 q# K0 p   5 S" g! f& o* m% _# }% X
  56.、****楼主:一学生,成绩年年倒数第一,常与人打架,按领导要求老师想给学生好 听一点的期末评语,怎么写啊?# v4 F2 H9 y5 k2 z8 Z: Y0 }9 U
  暴强回复:该生成绩稳定,动手能力强。 7 Z) @. F5 n0 ?8 V, L# {$ `5 _
) u' _4 F5 t1 V% x& b4 j  57.、****楼主:今天见男网友对方一直暗示想****,想问:难道现在网友见面就是为了****? 0 v! o* o( y' F' [: u
  @, y) G1 ^0 d+ W9 I$ F  4 O5 l3 e; _% W
4 I: M3 f' d; i% I  }! I  暴强回复:你就为这么个破事去打扰达尔文爷爷? . Q, l. ]1 U5 \9 `3 y$ |
" I. x. Q7 i# o% c* U9 L+ Q  59、****楼主:老婆不喜欢花,送什么好呢? ! ! M% j  n2 W% c8 i$ H
  暴强回复:黄瓜。最带好刺的。唉 + x# B9 k* G+ c" Z- {# ~0 _3 x
3 Y$ F% e& W; {& X0 B" D" W  她需要!因为她不喜欢花那是因为她喜欢cao!罪过 罪过!$ s. I" A6 D! s; ~/ F, y# ?  H
  2 ?0 g+ U6 c3 z3 g1 g
  60、说说中国的30分钟新闻联播。   |3 L! ^  G! ^6 e# @4 X
  暴强回复:有什么说的:前十分钟,领导们很忙。中十分钟,全国人民都很幸 % c; y2 w1 R' f8 t8 s$ `
8 X8 ]3 J8 s" _   1 H3 x) U# ~0 Z
  61、****楼主:都40多了还有许多事不明白该问谁? , E8 j" [& D+ o* n( @7 x3 G" l
  暴强回复:外事问谷歌,内事问百度,房爱,怎么办? * z5 i1 Z: p" \( n' w: X9 @; h
9 e# U* ~' F; @' b8 M: h     6 N; ?3 s! X: L6 q# G5 n
  62、****楼主:大家说说各自公司的情况,汇总一下,看看,经济形势!# i3 E0 r+ P) C8 l$ J* v
  暴强回复:我做鸭的,现在富婆都不出来了,都为了省钱改用小黄瓜了… ! K' }5 Q+ k# F0 s0 H; L
3 c# p7 P, g' I: Y' r  63、****楼主:为什么越来越多人不想要小孩呢?
1 e/ z! z8 j2 G- p! g0 K! N  暴强回复:北京派来的****说了,要从娃娃抓起。
* G  v' j% _- v8 E6 M    
- R9 Y9 b5 C- {* u4 x. X1 T& ^  x  64、****楼主:小声问一句,老公太封建,怎么办?
: Y  S9 Y; M8 y5 d( j) x  暴强回复:我不封建,什么姿势都可以。 % f% O+ e, g+ W0 V, D: k2 d5 }
    4 Y/ _" Y4 c& p, j
) b; t+ H- ]  N/ \' Q  ~8 U  暴强回复:来个****人物,在对面造一座“刚泰宾馆”,生意绝对火!以后北京人员可以自豪的说:“我们北京有痔疮”。MD如果这玩意儿叫“智窗”,那首都不成了菊花了。 ! O* e& V2 ^* p, K. R! G- K# A/ n
. e$ f( Q0 C; Z: A# c! H  66、****楼主:亲身经历者讲叙-深圳宝安石岩交警中队及派出所被砸事件。
7 A3 L9 a/ b8 W  暴强回复:又有国产大片看了! 9 P6 j5 L. O. d: R' s$ M
     2 A3 T# d& ^+ n; k( s
* D2 p6 k' W; O! c6 y6 m( T& e5 _  暴强回复:现在买房,貌似和49年加入国民party差不多。
- X" L+ v$ R' k+ S/ x5 L/ d; f# k7 f    
6 E5 q* y9 K) d. d) r) n1 w/ u+ M  68、****楼主:城市管理者增加新武器来抓流浪狗!
, l  k* c) L8 A+ j  暴强回复:本是同根生,想煎何太急。   " S; z: o2 H- Q2 M' x6 \! N
. D/ g0 n2 |, @  Y8 R* c/ q3 h  69、****楼主:一直希望我和男友能在今年结婚,结果他不肯,后来我们分手了,现在想想难道是因为我逼太紧把他逼走了吗?9 b: b& N, P$ I) b/ _
  暴强回复:太紧?是太松吧! & l7 I' ^1 z2 Q, n0 l0 z5 c
& n2 m& C, |+ Q# G6 U  70、****楼主:女友“大”字形地躺在床上被我连X四次,你猜她有何感受?
4 i" A( b3 f; N# B8 X  , ]; R% h7 e- F+ L
# I$ u1 u- d# R1 R, ?# a: F    
6 @; l+ m* ]6 t2 I  71、****楼主:大家来说说各个国家令人KB的发明,要一提头皮吓得发麻的那种。
8 f& J- I0 x9 E1 i  暴强回复:才发现,纳粹主义和Communist主义都是德国人发明的,太TMDKB了。 ; y. t4 D/ \) M( U
     2 J; k& t% m% b2 G, \( e& u! T7 _
      6 k& T# B  n4 K5 U4 m2 f0 B2 M
  72、****楼主:英报建议伦敦放弃承办奥运让北京接着办% Y; P4 R8 n* C4 D4 U3 w6 E
  暴强回复:北京pol.ice:伦敦,我氧化钙你二大爷。 0 m8 V& @3 n; G2 n/ y' `) c
: u/ r2 d  G2 Z  73、****楼主:很严重很严肃的问题:有那么几根毛竟然比勃起后的JJ还长。
2 h* b; I- X+ Q  暴强回复:这不能怪毛!你是知道的…
& i) W; i  F+ c7 K% B1 r    " X8 B4 d0 Z7 @- e* ^# }- t
  74、****楼主:振华号船长所摄击溃海盗照片,真的长脸。牛!; E( {3 ~3 c% t. A
  暴强回复:临走前,两个海盗无奈地向船员们竖起大拇指:中国人厉害!…这文章太****CC****了 ?4 L% l; z$ Q4 r9 A3 }5 x1 h
7 ~( G/ q9 _" r4 [7 T  75、****楼主:JMS来说说男人的小JJ一碰就硬吗?
; H3 X! Z: B2 S# I  暴强回复:怎么可能,我们又不是含羞草!
* C: V" _1 B9 d    
/ D2 q2 {) F( a5 g) t) ^, b$ i  5 I1 _- i  [$ {" ~1 K" ]
  76、****楼主:是被人叫大叔惨还是叫弟弟惨? & v6 I$ c7 R% o: w% c
: q8 ^* z2 }3 y     2 O5 V1 @; W( d
  77、****楼主:大家有什么不敢点的网站告诉我吧,我来点。 % ?& B. b5 u) E; t, h
     暴强回复:www.一点就草楼主****.com 0 r! M) Y1 k, U& E  W# D$ z; J$ N
# j3 e. k) v  [" R2 @( l2 @0 g  78、****楼主:如果再次碰到你的前男(女)友,你最想跟他(她)说的一句话是什么?
! u. l. S6 c- ]* g+ ?     暴强回复:我现在时间长了~~真的。
+ I5 L: r* ^: ^9 V* }' q; d79.楼主:提名大陆扮演B社会老大最象的演员。
3 `" a5 e' T( R7 @. }/ z  回复:古Yue。. B1 [( G' t" B$ Y2 h
+ J9 b& L* L9 R' g, ?& u! U' {9 r  80.楼主:其实牛顿只是幸运地发现万有引力定律,要是早生三百年,我也可以!
6 m0 g8 E0 J1 `" j9 o/ B; K( K/ d% A( A  回复:的确是幸运儿,因为砸到他脑袋上的是苹果,而砸到可怜楼主脑袋上的不是榴莲就是椰子……
% c: O3 r3 h5 e$ X' Y  
0 \+ H! |# Y4 o2 w: S4 A  81.涯楼主(男):小时候被叔叔W X过屁屁,现在长大的我该如何摆脱这种心理阴影?* [# ~5 }4 T  B5 b- Y3 n5 g: E
& \- ^4 E; u* {! V& }  * J! j2 `; W$ h% S* d
1 W5 e% V/ J3 ?+ t" D  82.楼主:深圳南头一卖菠萝的女摊贩情急之下咬下城市管理者叔叔的小JJ……
" N$ Q, \5 t- i' J" T$ z! v  回复:哼!你不让我生活,我就不让你享受生活!!!
2 }6 Q7 P7 Q& u  
4 B9 v! r5 U- Z$ c  83.涯楼主:每天对着单位那群白痴说话让我感到前途很渺茫……- T; s; ~; h5 x# @- q1 M
  回复:幸福吧你~因为对牛弹琴并不可怕,可怕的是一群牛每天对着你弹琴!0 L3 |9 m' y2 u- P; P
84.楼主:利用东西方信息不对称,很多国外地摊货到中国都变成了奢侈品,那中国有啥垃圾牌子在国外冒充高档货?9 ~+ o% f4 W8 j" x/ p5 Y! D
0 W# J3 S: r- T: p7 b5 E85.楼主:大家都来讲一个开头KB,中间好笑,结局悲惨的故事。譬如从前有个鬼,放了个屁,然后死了。
$ Q& n& q! f9 P% D$ B  回复:遇到芙蓉姐姐,爱上芙蓉姐姐,娶了芙蓉姐姐……
1 s5 V8 `) J. a& ^5 R5 Z86.楼主:单位人都说我长得像韩国人,大家说像吗?
$ K8 h0 N' K4 l% m  回复:因为你长得像个棒子,单位同事又不好意思明说,所以只好说你长得像韩国人!
! s; p! k& t6 M) E8 X  
- K% {! s3 W+ `1 y: {5 M  87.楼主:脸和身上突然长出好多雀斑,请问这是怎么回事?
; P& E' t; u/ J& W3 U+ u5 f7 p9 t5 a  回复:哎呀妈呀,吓死我了!楼主一脸的美人痣,满身的守宫砂~~~: o6 N* |" E- o# q3 d9 }
) w+ W1 F7 M  X' `& b  n3 j8 H# E  回复:事后诸葛亮,事前猪一样!
9 |# N" o1 w( C2 P& v) |89楼主:本次奥运会上,北京是如何展现为绿色人文奥运的?
2 t' `+ _/ o7 \" J& Z& c0 O  回复:不是请谢霆锋来唱歌了吗?. K* i/ D* y$ @7 U: Q' I  N) c. N
5 s, S) b) _& h# p4 f; _4 z4 r  回复:你死过吗?
0 k% k+ M( g0 N. q7 c+ T+ @# [  91楼主:给我一个女人,我就能创造出一个民族!
  W9 n( R1 c8 @! _  回复:嗯,给你一头母猪,明年的肉价就能下跌!
& p1 S) I0 i* c0 a$ F( s7 J, ^  9 V! k) z+ d' d1 }4 u$ f# N! B( b
# p, j2 @* ~5 H  I) f( _( s' K  @  回复:强烈支持楼主――我买的A片里竟然全是B!  ~0 L( p8 _, h1 @# I0 A; b
( |; M) C& ]- P2 ?3 {  回复:女人对男人的感情是马路开始的! 5 g5 C7 I7 P" E. U9 c5 f: X4 n4 j
    回复:上面都错了,应该是女人对男人的感情是从中号和大号开始的!( q7 ^, N0 X: O! i
94楼主:老婆生了个女娃,非常可爱,求各位帮爱女起个有气势的名字,鄙人姓成,http://www.onuc.levouo.cn1 n% r; K- ^& r0 i3 i
  回复:成鸡思汉。, V3 J+ k0 l# ]2 d: ?/ I& M
: Q5 y) ?4 A, h9 p% `" Z  95.楼主:我把我家的狗给揍了!地震它也不告诉我,平时叫得那么欢,刚才地震时竟像没事似的在窝里睡觉!+ w. w* V& p3 `( T
  n4 Q0 A6 ?+ y( ?; \7 l96楼主:马伊俐产下一女,因她比文章大九岁,故女儿的小名叫“九儿”。
8 {8 H- b' V& i( B4 y; C  回复:伍佰的爸爸真惨那……, @) n: T; E/ T) a' [, `; C
* p& z- i. @! Y" G9 h# E* b) l5 H  暴强回复:恰似一群太监上青楼!!
  b/ h$ Q+ w- K3 h98****楼主:我喜欢上了一个比我小6岁的女孩,还在上初中,真是造孽啊。  G' m2 p' I' R4 L! ~, K, B
& x- G/ a- O: |& X相关的主题文章:9 n7 p1 Q/ `8 R6 Z* m. L
7 y8 O# l( A4 L. W" `
  6 |& a7 F: Q3 W: Y3 u1 v
. H. T6 z6 w8 A: f, B0 l  
0 r6 H- Q: I' ^   最新爆笑段子120个,总有你喜欢的,快来转走吧
7 F  G% ?. L5 [" @- G  
) h( E/ r) [& \( O# R$ x   感情败给了距离,距离败给了时间,我们败给了现实

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发表于 2011-10-8 09:51 | 显示全部楼层
    Do we have a problem here.Get your hand off of me, he growled through his teeth.I drove Mike home in his Suburban, while Jacob followed behind us to take me home.Jacob growled.A child, lifted on a man's shoulders to see over the crowd, grinned down at me, his lips distended over a set of plastic vampire fangs.fake ray bans sunglasses!I whispered.I sat down automatically, watching him with caution.warmer.And theres something more.I could remember that, though it felt impossible now, there was something that might be worth the torture.2008 Stephenie Meyer  250  It was odd how much of a difference this made, considering that the lack of light meant little to my eyes.    We walked to class together in silence.How did you get over here so fast.What if my little guest had happened to be thirsty last night.We'll go get your truck and leave it here for you.So there, I added.The light turned green and, in my hurry to escape, I stomped on the gas pedal without thinking.I suggested.This was entirely new to me.I took her face in my hand.The part that kills me, he said abruptly, is that you already know.Every time I touch you, she just about chokes with satisfaction.Regret.I'd take it a thousand times.Though our conversation was clearly just between the two of us, of course everyone could hear it.the receptionist asked maternally.After all, how many ways can one heart be mangled and still be expected to keep beating.    And no radioactivity.I whispered.You're quick.Time to measure Ness.And I don't know that we can't win, he said.Im going to get the scent of your visitor so we can track him if he comes back.Jacob led the way around the house to his garage.So I didn't know why you left.I pressed my fist against my mouth to keep from screaming.He's owed it.It was quiet for a moment.There are polar bears, too.Against the wall,knock off ray bans, the strangers watched, confused, wondering what I was doing, standing there motionless in the middle of the street.It wasn't exactly what I wanted,fake Ray Ban Cockpit, it did not satisfy my craving for brutality, but I could see that it was the right thing.I knew the rich smell of the leather seats and the way the extra-dark tint made noon look like dusk through those windows.    I let my head roll back around toward the fresh air and closed my eyes.My voice turned acidic.The popping and sizzling of the chicken in the pan was a nice, homey sound.We found Charlie leaning awkwardly against the wall behind everyone else,mac eyeshadow, looking a little like he was hiding.me sitting out.Like it had been before, the threat of violence coming through her lips was hilarious.It means the tracker's plans have changed.I tried to concentrate on my classes, but not even English could hold my attention.I want to go, I lied.As decided as I was, I wasnt surprised that I still felt nervous as I drove down the long path to his house I didnt know how to do what I was trying to do, and that guaranteed me some serious jitters.
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发表于 2011-10-8 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
    That doesn't repulse you.I didn't think so.I was halfway across the street when Jess caught up to me and grabbed my arm.Leah whined, and she leaned after him,ray ban caravan sunglasses, the fur on her shoulders rising.Romeo was one of my favorite fictional characters.I asked frigidly.How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one.cheap ray ban sunglasses!I won't.Oh, wonderful,'71 groaned.Why.I dont know, she said, flinching again.That's all I'm going to say.He dropped his arm, not looking bothered at all by the minor rejection.Like no broken windows.Actually, Bella.Through the early morning, the others gathered, their eyes bearing mute evidence of their preparations.    I should not have.He shook his head.It was hard to think the word.Youre overthinking it.but watch the line, 'kay.Just wondering what.But the words he had spoken in the forest as he'd left me had canceled all that out.I ignored the second question.Taunting him.Anything else.Oooh, ouch, that's gonna leave ahuge mark.And then.Don't bother telling me you can protect yourself, Alice.I kept my voice even.Maybe she should have tried to settle into the leftover scraps of life that were left behind.Safe in Forks.It was part Bella,Ray Ban Craft, too.Jasper.There's no point fighting it,Embry whispered again.While I pushed the now-viscous blood through her arteries, I watched what he was doing.Then why are you frightened.    Bella smiled.Are we a little impatient today.Why did I feel so.Oh, sorry.I laughed nervously.How.Her every thought was turned to Jasper, watching his small choices with minute scrutiny.What.You look lost.'7  Do you even realize what you've done.But Im sure Jacob would be only too eager to  give those same orders.Jacob rolled his eyes.would a bullet through my temple actually kill me or just leave a really big mess for me to clean up.I scowled at the golden comforter that matched his eyes and tried to banish the reflex reaction that told me I was unwanted and unwantable.Yeah.before she sees you, I murmured under my breath.I nodded in fervent agreement.But, unlike most nights,mac perfume, she was curled into a small ball with the covers stretched taut around her shoulders.    As long as you dont touch anything, Bella, I cant imagine someone sticking their nose close enough to that trail to catch your scent, Jasper said, grimacing.Ill take you to the hospital.It didn't rain today, I reminded her, avoiding her request  A miracle.she thought.Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm.But you should heed the warning, Edward went on.Well.My way is always wrong.I grinned and completed the simple harmony with her.I would cause her nothing but pain.You cant stay in Forks, Bella.His expression was composed.I wondered if he could be as unwilling to move as I was.Alice half-smiled.was next to her.Paul.I was the only one who glanced back at the medieval castle that housed the elaborate business facade I couldn't see the turret from here, for which I was grateful.
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发表于 2011-10-9 14:31 | 显示全部楼层
    I remembered beginning the loop around Sky Harbor International.Jane hissed in frustration, leaning forward like she was preparing to spring.Or would they push the issue without the excuse of justice.But I thought through the possibilities I'd considered today.It's beyond me, Bella.But if I believed as he does.merrell shoes!My mind raced ahead.Oh.Thanks.home to meet them.It's the only way to protect your father.How stupid to even think of Bella choosing me.Oh my, I heard a female voice gasp.Why make it even the slightest bit harder.His lips froze, and I could almost hear the click in his head as he put together my words and my actions.I demanded, confused by his sudden mood swing as much as his words.    Its just so.What do you mean, 'the obvious'.What, no twenty questions today.I watched him repress the anger, watched as his eyes grew speculative.Hoping very much that Esme was not particularly fond of any specific trees across the river, I began my first stride.Think of who you're calling sane, Tia murmured in a quiet aside.It's just.It was just a girl hed sat next to in school every day for a year and never looked at twice.Sort of all three.After all, Edward hadn't completely and inexcusably lost control of his temper.It's Bella.He looked across the treetops, thinking through his response.And I do understand your perspective, Bella,replica Ray Ban Craft, truly I do.She wants to.I can't keep up with you.I'm not sure yet, he admitted.    His suddenly livid expression made my voice fade out.Get to sleep.I walked slowly, awestruck,fake ray ban rx sunglasses, through the soft grass, swaying flowers, and warm, gilded air.You grew again.But whatever the reason, he pulled my lips back to his, surrendering with a groan.But you don't have to anymore, silly,wholesale mac perfume, she laughed.I jumped.As long as it makes you happy, I'll be here.The extra stuff I guess.broken my promise.So Sam waited for the rest of us to join him.They just wanted to talk, I mumbled, my voice dragging with exhaustion.Like grabbing the wrong end of a curling iron.I didn't want to sleep.I'll let Sam know about your.I shrieked a few octaves higher.I remembered how it felt, that first uncomfortable immersion in fantasy.    So ready for this to be the end, he murmured, almost to himself, for this to be the twilight of your life, though your life has barely started.She  had not been close enough to hear Renesmee's heart, to feel the heat radiating from her body.I should have waited till we were alone somewhere, maybe with the rest of his family.Should I run.After a few weeks, Angela even looked comfortable there.I asked quietly.It wasn't going to be easy to talk to her now.I'm not dangerous at all, Renesmee interjected.It was stronger.You know how they get distracted.But, before you begin, I need to say something.Charlie had really been fairly nice about the whole thing.Of course, she hadn't eased up that much.Breakfast time for the human.
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发表于 2011-10-9 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
    Tell Edward I said hi, 'kay.Oh.2008 Stephenie Meyer  24  She launched herself into the air.His smile faded.longer and more ardently than before.Then smile.I felt the answering smile spread across my face.They are well over three thousand years old.it seemed like he was being careful not to touch my skin again.ray bans replica!Again.But when they did, though with the most gentle of pressure, the beeping stopped altogether.She smiled her glittering smile and took the stone in both hands.some of my very favorites from the big house.Austins here, Ben said as Angela reached his side.That color blue looks lovely with your skin, he said, watching me.I'd deal with it when she was gone,ray ban sunglasses, I promised myself, and felt sick at the thought.    I laughed once, because he sounded as pleased as Charlie had.From behind the couch, I heard Alice's tinkling laugh join in.It was like meeting a fairy tale.There, at last,cheap mac macmakeup, was her face.Now that the older and somewhat scarier (in Emmett's case, certainly) Cullen siblings had graduated, Alice and Edward did not seem quite so intimidating, and we did not sit here alone.HATE  WE MADE OUR FLIGHT WITH SECONDS TO SPARE, AND THEN the true torture began.What's my excuse for disappearing for.I do what's best for them.I stared at him for a long second.And I was not alone.That was too much  he wasnt fighting fair.Well, no, I didn't get it from a comic book, she said, a little embarrassed.Neither one of us can hold our shape together right.    She was human and he was human and the difference that seemed so insurmountable in her head was ridiculous, truly ridiculous compared to my own situation.Her eyes, holding still for one tiny portion of a second, met mine.He sighed.Once Rosalie received Alice's commendation on my hair, she was sent off to retrieve my dress and then to locate Jasper, who had been dispatched to pick up my mother and her husband, Phil, from their hotel.I asked quietly.It's probably for the best.I briefly contemplated my issues with words like fiance, wedding, husband, etc.He was very calm, though.Not hear sounds, he went on, but we can hear.I couldn't be friends with a killer and say nothing, let the killing continue.    I'm.He grinned.We both won and lost.Of course I did.As soon as I asked,ray ban rb2016, I knew that he must have.Alice, I said sourly.I didnt understand what was wrong with me, until Peter noticed that it was always worse after Id hunted.I glared at him.Curiosity had driven them to allow Renesmee's explanation.Ill have to think of something good.There was no animation in his dark eyes.He was waiting when I pulled up in front of his house.It was quiet, but the soft jazz number sounded like the band was in the room with us.Its like Sam and Emily, Jake I never had a choice.Jacob took off this morning pretty early, Rosalie told me, a little frown creasing her forehead.And no radioactivity.I blinked in the sudden brightness, and carefully kept my eyes away from the closet.
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发表于 2011-10-10 08:47 | 显示全部楼层
    What are we going to do.Make me a slave.Since when do you eat eggs sunny-side up.And he planted himself in front of me.The baby will be fine.I guessed.But I thought through the possibilities I'd considered today.I'd done my homework this time.Her expression.Jacob scooted himself closer to me, pressing his warm fur against my left side.mac makeup!After school, Jessica followed me home in her old white Mercury so that I could ditch my books and truck.You keep everyone out, he began.I couldn't hold back a chuckle as I shook my head at her illogical calm.I turned my face to the window, my teeth grinding together.He just thought it was a silly superstition, Bella said suddenly, her voice edged with a new anxiety.    It was so unfair.See  she could have gotten the idea there.The creature could have easily outrun them,ray ban rb2015, but Carlisle thinks he was too hungry, so he turned and attacked.What's wrong.For as tired as I've been, you'd think I'd sleep better.Have you done this lab before.It was cold.No.Edward took my hand, and we ran.I guess that's nothing new, is it.The stories tell us that they could blow fierce winds into their enemys camps.I reluctantly went to sit by her, trying to convince myself it would be better to get it over with as soon as possible.I feel very safe with you,cheap mac macmakeup, she said, her eyes, again, filled with trust.I stopped screaming sometimes.he whispered, terrified.I didn't need pictures from Alice to illustrate this horror.    A sharp twinge of something very close to stage fright twisted in the pit of my stomach as I considered that.I was far too big a coward to risk getting caught.You don't know anything.The reason she was upset was because she thought I saw through her too easily.that they weren't allowed.She ripped a page out of my book to write her note on.Hmm, he murmured.I expected his answer, so it didn't hurt as much.From what little research we've been able to do, it would appear the creatures use their own teeth to escape the womb, he whispered.Perfect.Every cell in my body ached to deny it.A charm  something to keep me on your mind.He pushed me away at once, his face heavily disapproving.I had to concentrate on the music very hard to keep myself from drifting back to Mike Newton's thoughts, to spy on the unsuspecting girl.    It was a gift.No, I interrupted him.Of course not, Alice agreed at once, though we both knew Seattle would be plenty safe on Saturday.he asked.You dont have to be anything.It was hard to hold myself upright, to not give myself away.Bella, my name is Sam Uley.Do you still have the clutch.I was that boy, who would have  as soon as I discovered that you were what I was looking for  gotten down on one knee and endeavored to secure your hand.So I planned strategy, and nothing more.I'm sorry,cheap MAC blush, I said, looking first at Rose, then Jasper and then Emmett.I guess I shouldnt laugh.The overreaction is mine this time.I brought the jacket for you, I told her.Not yet.I lingered by the window as long as I could, afraid that if I left the blue would disappear again.7 S  ]8 _2 b* H% }0 _3 ^& G
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